
PSD Template - Black Designer Business Card

PSD Template - Black Designer Business Card

PSD Template - Black Designer Business Card
This business card template comes with 4 interchangeable icons to match your profession. Finished off with a metal grid background, this business card is ideal for those specialising in Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator and InDesign.
PSD | CMYK | 300 dpi | Print Ready | 11.9 Mb
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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SuperCharged - ThemeForest Under Construction Template + WordPress Theme

SuperCharged - ThemeForest Under Construction Template + WordPress Theme

SuperCharged - ThemeForest Under Construction Template + WordPress Theme | 9,57 MB
This is one of the most elegant and stylish Under Construction templates ever created. Boasting with features like social media integration or beautifully animated progress bar, SuperCharged will keep your visitors coming back just to have it on their screens!
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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3D Calligraphic Text Styles - GraphicRiver

3D Calligraphic Text Styles - GraphicRiver

3D Calligraphic Text Styles - GraphicRiver
This is a great pack of calligraphic text styles with 3D aspect and a little vintage feel who comes in 10 color combinations. You can use all these styles in web design but i made them in 3 different sizes, so you can use them even on print materials. With this Text Styles pack you can design a logo, a title or any text in web or print materials.
10 color combinations of 3D Text Style | 20 layer styles for every size. So you have 60 professional layer styles | 3 text sizes (200pt, 400pt, 600pt) with 3 different sizes for layer styles.
3 PSD + 3 ASL files with 60 layer styles | manual in HTML | 36 Mb
Раздел: Photoshop » Стили для Photoshop
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