Activeden XML Portfolio Template V3 - v3.7 update
- Автор: GanjaParker
- Дата: 17 июня 2011
- Просмотров : 751

Activeden XML Portfolio Template V3 - v3.7 update | 40,9 MB
This is my latest installment of my XML Portfolio Template. This version has a great deal of upgrades and added features. XML Portfolio Template v3 is a full Flash website completely managed by XML files that use modules to control content. You can easily use this project to make many different kinds of websites with small amounts of customization. Adding and changing your content is super easy. The code is well commented and you can see for yourself how things work by viewing the help file.
This is my latest installment of my XML Portfolio Template. This version has a great deal of upgrades and added features. XML Portfolio Template v3 is a full Flash website completely managed by XML files that use modules to control content. You can easily use this project to make many different kinds of websites with small amounts of customization. Adding and changing your content is super easy. The code is well commented and you can see for yourself how things work by viewing the help file.
Navigation is fully configured using XML
Sub menus are easily created with XML
Basic configurations stored in a separate XML file
MP3 Gallery using XML
2 different gallery modules included
News module
Staff module
Slideshow module
Ability to load in your own SWFs
Use your own hi-res background image(s)
Text modules
Load your own PNG logo
Fullscreen support
Great help file
Includes the main template PSD
Contains 3 sample background images
Easily add your own background music
Special character support
Also has PSD templates for the different image sizes being used
Contains the free font being used
Page is embedded in HTML , scaled to 100%
Template Specs
ActionScript 2
Flash 8
PHP contact form
All source files included of course
All FLAs and source code is included of course.
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