
GraphicRiver Always Party Flyer Template

GraphicRiver Always Party Flyer Template

GraphicRiver Always Party Flyer Template
This party flyer template is 4 by 6 in (4.25 in by 6.25 in with bleeds) and is ready for print, because it’s in CMYK at 300 dpi. The psd file can be edited in Adobe Photoshop, and to be able to change the text. Can be used as Poster, Flyer, E-Flyer template for any entertainment events.
PSD | Print Dimensions: 4.25x6.25 | CMYK | 300 DPI | 186.7 Mb
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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MojoThemes - Chow Delicious WordPress Restaurant Theme RECODED TO HTML - FULL RIP

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Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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