
JoomVision - Gigan (Joomla)

JoomVision - Gigan (Joomla)

JoomVision - Gigan (Joomla) | 18,7 MB
V Gigan, a template for business website with professional look and features. With JV Content Slideshow and JV Category Showcase helps you delivered all needed content to frontpage with the most efficiency. We understand that an business website need the clean, impress in each and every single detail, that's why JV Gigan came with full load of ZooTemplate typography. We also setup a pre-style of team list under main content, the fastest way to introduce your team or company to users.

The high-quality design concept in a standard valid XHTML 1.0 surely can bring your site to the next step higher.


Professional Joomla! template
JV Content Slideshow with highly customizable params and smooth effects: Display images and content from your specific articles as a slick slideshow.
JV Category showcase: Display specific category's article in specific columns
Adjustable font size from template tools or in backend
100% Tableless design. 100% CSS/DIV compliance.
Joomla 1.5.x native
Well-comment CSS and PHP code files
Tutorial + Detailed userguide
Cross Browser Support (IE 6+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+)


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