

Текстура газона

Текстура газона

Текстура газона живописный клипарт с отобранными исходниками травы. Этот живописный клипарт окажется полезным любым дизайнерам при выполнении дизайнерских работ, на разнообразные тематики.
17 JPG | разр. высокое - разное | rar 42 Mb.
Раздел: Клипарты » Растровые клипарты
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5 Colourful Text Styles for Photoshop

5 Colourful Text Styles for Photoshop

5 Colourful Text Styles for Photoshop
You can use them to create cool text effects for your projects: from flyers and brochures to websites.The pack contains an .asl file compatible with Photoshop CS5 and a .psd file with all the layer styles for the ones of you having older versions of Photoshop. To install the styles, first unzip the styles, then put the .asl file into the following folder ..\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Presets\Styles.
ASL + PSD | 30.8 Mb
Раздел: Photoshop » Стили для Photoshop
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Night Sky Brushes for Photoshop

Night Sky Brushes for Photoshop

Night Sky Brushes for Photoshop
Collection of 13 large brushes representing the night sky (space dust, stars, moon scenes, etc.). You can use them to create cool effects for your projects: from flyers and brochures to wallpapers and twitter backgrounds. The brushes are compatible with Photoshop CS3 and above.
ABR | 15.2 Mb
Раздел: Photoshop » Кисти для Photoshop
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