

GraphicRiver - Facebook Timeline Cover-7 - 2326185

GraphicRiver - Facebook Timeline Cover-7 - 2326185

GraphicRiver - Facebook Timeline Cover-7 - 2326185 | 3.9 Mb
Unique style facebook cover design. Photo frame facebook cover. High quality design and high detailed. Just change the smart object or use as it on…
Free font used and text layers are easily editable. All are mentioned in readme file..
High quality and Detailed
1700x630 pixel
Smart object feature
Free font used
Detailed Readme text
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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GraphicRiver - Designer Facebook Timeline 2327165

GraphicRiver - Designer Facebook Timeline 2327165

GraphicRiver - Designer Facebook Timeline 2327165 | 802.9 Kb
Specifications: 850x315 px | 100% Customizable and Editable | Highly Organized and Layered PSD Files | Print Ready | 300 DPI High Resolution | One Readme Files | Fonts info included in the zip file (all fonts are free)
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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GraphicRiver - Professional Flyer & Poster Mockup Bundle 2304882

GraphicRiver - Professional Flyer & Poster Mockup Bundle 2304882

GraphicRiver - Professional Flyer & Poster Mockup Bundle 2304882 | 597.3 Mb
TEMPLATE FEATURES: Resolution 300 dpi | RGB Color mode | Properly grouped for easy modification | Smart Object reserved | Template size: 2500x1600 pixels
This mega bundle contains professional, photorealistic and high quality five flyer/poster mockups. This is totally different from any other flyer/poster mockup you may have used. The final result stands outstanding. Just place your flyer/poster design inside the smart object and see the realistic result. Impress your clients with these awesome mockups. Final result is printable – enjoy!
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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Первые шаги в Photoshop (Электронная Книга + Видеокурс)

Первые шаги в Photoshop (Электронная Книга + Видеокурс)

Данный продукт предназначен для начинающих, которые хотят начать изучение Adobe Photoshop, но боятся и не знают с чего начать. Существует много людей, у которых есть много желания, но они не могут, точнее не знают, как начать изучение.
Раздел: Видео Уроки
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