

ThemeForest - Corvina Mobile Admin HD | HTML5 & CSS3 And iWebApp

ThemeForest - Corvina Mobile Admin HD | HTML5 & CSS3 And iWebApp

ThemeForest - Corvina Mobile Admin HD | HTML5 & CSS3 And iWebApp | 18,8 MB

HTML CSS3 Features
- 10 iPhone Homescreen icons ( WebApps ), for each page!
- 10 iPhone Homescreen startup screens! Each page can be bookmarked on screen!
- iPhone 4/4S Retina Graphics! They look so awesome you just wanna kiss the phone!
- 4 Variations of Checkboxes and Radio Boxes
- Form fields ready styled, just add them to what you need!
- 10 CSS3 Buttons, slick, sweet, and always looking great regardless what screen!
- Double sized icons for all elements included so you don’t have to worry about retina users!
- PSD files for icons, design, user interfaces are included!
- Breadcrumb navigation so your users don’t get lost
- Pure CSS3 buttons that enlarge to suit your text and never break.
- Google Font API Replacement for slick quality.

jQuery Features
- jQuery Animated notification boxes!
- jQuery Animated Toggles
- jQuery Dropdown Navigation
- jQuery Animated Expand Boxes
- jQuery Powered Radio/Checkboxes
- mobile client included!
The music player is compatible with latest version mobile OS only. iPhone 4.3 or higher, Android 2.3 or higher, RIM OS 7 , and Windows Mobile 7! ( If your mobile supports HTML5 , it will support the audio player! )
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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ThemeForest - GFXMedia - Business & Portfolio Template 6 in 1

ThemeForest - GFXMedia - Business & Portfolio Template 6 in 1

ThemeForest - GFXMedia - Business & Portfolio Template 6 in 1 | 2,71 MB

Main Features
- Custom Fonts using CSS3
- 2 Columns CSS Layout.
- Full width portfolio page with 3 columns.
- Blog page with custom jquery post metadata .
- Featured Slider editable with simple steps, you can modify it by editing the js file for speeding or easing transition effect in animate.
- Layered PSD file included smart objects for ease of editing and saving the files
- 6 Color options built in 1 package, easy to change in styles.
- Portfolio page with new style lightbox option.
- Compatibility (IE 6, IE 7 , IE 8, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome)

Scripts Credits
- jQuery
- i>jCarouselLite
- DDBelated PNG Fix
- Drop Down Menu – Superfish
- We function – Icons, Dry Icons, Custom Icons
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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ThemeForest - Green Future | A clean, versatile, beautiful theme

ThemeForest - Green Future | A clean, versatile, beautiful theme

ThemeForest - Green Future | A clean, versatile, beautiful theme | 1,51 MB


- Six pages total
- Portfolio page with lightbox
- Twitter integration
- jQuery feature slider
- Social network icons
- Customizable layouts

The images in the preview aren’t included in the download due to copyright restrictions. However, the images are incredibly easy to replace. Just save and upload!
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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Windows 8 Transformation Pack 6.5(2013/ENG)

Windows 8 Transformation Pack 6.5(2013/ENG)

Windows 8 Transformation Pack 6.5 превратит ваш пользовательский интерфейс Windows 7/Vista/XP в Windows 8, включая загрузочный экран, экран входа, темы, обои, иконки, звуки, шрифты, метро/современный пользовательский интерфейс, Auto-раскрашивание Aero, UserTile панели задач и многое другое.
Раздел: Украшательство » Темы и Оболочки
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Рамка на 4 фотографии с блестками и розами

Рамка на 4 фотографии с блестками и розами

Рамка на 4 фотографии с блестками и розами
(на выбор украшение рамки: золотая завитушка или обручальные кольца)
PSD+2PNG | 3543x2362 | 300 dpi | 51,2 Мб
Автор: Chugunov_r
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Фоторамки
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