ThemeForest - Blox v1.0.1 - Bold WordPress Portfolio Theme
- Автор: GanjaParker
- Дата: 29 января 2013
- Просмотров : 746

ThemeForest - Blox v1.0.1 - Bold WordPress Portfolio Theme | 2,44 MB
A big, bold, beautiful, portfolio theme for creatives. Designed to put your work in the forefront, Blox is all about showcasing your talent. Each portfolio is its own “block” of creative awesome which can feature your designs, demo reels, or audio tracks. Or all three.
Responsive Design – Serve an optimised version of the volumes theme to your visitors using tablet and mobile devices. Optimised for iPad and iPhone – give the demo a whirl.
Post formats - Support for post formats means you can jazz up your blog with your own self-hosted video, audio, images, galleries and of course good old standard posts.
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