

Aero Windows 8 rtm v2.0(2013/RUS)

Aero Windows 8 rtm v2.0(2013/RUS)

Наконец то удалось вернуть в Windows 8 rtm , прозрачность окон,Aero.
Этот способ не вносит изменений в структуру и файлы Windows 8 ,за исключением патча для применения сторонних тем.
Раздел: Украшательство » Темы и Оболочки
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ThemeForest - Swiper - Premium Mobile and Tablet Template

ThemeForest - Swiper - Premium Mobile and Tablet Template

ThemeForest - Swiper - Premium Mobile and Tablet Template | 2,19 MB

Swiper is a website template created mainly for blogging. Template has liquid layout – that means it fits on mobile devices (from 320px) to tablets (1024px) perfectly. Template is based on light minimalistic design and it’s perfect solution for those who wants easy customization and quick start. Template comes with working PHP contact form. There are two PHP files (contact.php and email-script. php) all you have to do is change about two lines of code in email-script.php and you’ll get yourself working contact form.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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ThemeForest - Xafira - Landing Page

ThemeForest - Xafira - Landing Page

ThemeForest - Xafira - Landing Page | 1,78 MB

Xafira is an attractive responsive, clean & simple landing page with vibrant colors and can be used in various ways to promote your product or simply show off your photography. Its unique style and comes with 2 different styles.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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ThemeForest - Plumet - Responsive AJAX Portfolio

ThemeForest - Plumet - Responsive AJAX Portfolio

ThemeForest - Plumet - Responsive AJAX Portfolio | 1,25 MB

Plumet is a Responsive AJAX Portfolio Theme designed for Agency & Individual websites. Show off your Portfolio Items in a Masonry Layout with AJAX Details Loading. Every Agency and an Individual Website’s motive is to look clean and at the same time intuitive so Plumet offers you just that by also being Responsive.
Plumet is handcrafted with perfection for Beautiful and Rich-Looking Websites. You have loads of Options for setting up your Website and change it the way you want it to look. Custom Backgrounds per page, Color Schemes Changer, Font Manager are those Options you will love to use changing your Website’s Look every Fortnight.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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ThemeForest - Easy - Under Construction Page with Pie Countdown

ThemeForest - Easy - Under Construction Page with Pie Countdown

ThemeForest - Easy - Under Construction Page with Pie Countdown | 492 KB

Easy Under Construction Page with Pie Countdown is very beautiful because of its minimalistic design and innovative pie countdown. We have also animated background!
Our project offers three modern colour schemes: blue, red and green so you can use it in your every project.
It is easy to use for developers. Everything is commented and written according to best coding practices.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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