
Themes for Windows vol19 (2013/RUS)

Themes for Windows vol19 (2013/RUS)

В данном наборе представлено десять тем оформления для операционных систем Windows. После установки все темы отображаются в персонализации.
Темы различные как по тематике, так и по оформлению!Темы устанавливаются по умолчанию сразу в папку с темами и отображаются в персонализации
Раздел: Украшательство » Темы и Оболочки
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ThemeForest - Retina Dashboard

ThemeForest - Retina Dashboard

ThemeForest - Retina Dashboard | 1,49 MB

Retina Dashboard is a back-end admin panel design to be a content management user interface but with the potential to be much more - in fact any kind of web application you can think of. It has 15 pre-built templates which can get you off the ground, but with the various UI elements and widgetized design you can quickly and easily create additional templates.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Motivation - Responsive Single Page HTML Template

ThemeForest - Motivation - Responsive Single Page HTML Template

ThemeForest - Motivation - Responsive Single Page HTML Template | 6,46 MB

Motivation is a single page portfolio template with a minimal design with strong typography, well suited for personal and professional use. Template comes with 2 sliders - Anything Slider and Nivo Slider, for displaying images and content on your homepage section.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Stage - Responsive Coming Soon Template

ThemeForest - Stage - Responsive Coming Soon Template

ThemeForest - Stage - Responsive Coming Soon Template | 2,52 MB

'Stage' coming soon template with animated background , countdown and subscription form. Minimal Coming Soon template is carefully designed with attention to the details. Your visitors will love it. This theme allows visitors to subscribe to your mailing list, so that you can notify them about the launch.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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