

Designtnt - Insane Watercolor PS Brushes

Designtnt - Insane Watercolor PS Brushes

Designtnt - Insane Watercolor PS Brushes
It’s a set of 15 watercolor brushes for Adobe Photoshop. What makes them so good is the inherited paper texture, along with the splashed, liquid effect. With it, not only you’re able to create watercolor effects, but you’ll also create a textured paper effect. And you don’t have to do anything extra!
ABR | 30.12 Mb
Раздел: Photoshop » Кисти для Photoshop
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Designtnt - Engraved Text Effects and Styles for Photoshop

Designtnt - Engraved Text Effects and Styles for Photoshop

Designtnt - Engraved Text Effects and Styles for Photoshop
It’s a set of graphic styles for Adobe Photoshop CS3 or newer, designed to quickly and easily apply engrave effects to any type, shape, raster or smart object within a .psd file. To load the styles, simply double-click the .asl file provided and they are ready for use. If you’re the curious type (and you deffinitely are, you’re a designer), we’ve also included a practice .psd file, if you want to play with them a bit.
ASL + PSD | 566 Kb
Раздел: Photoshop » Стили для Photoshop
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