
Designtnt - Simple Retro Vector Badges

Designtnt - Simple Retro Vector Badges

Designtnt - Simple Retro Vector Badges
This set contains 8 vector clean badges with a Vintage look. The simple design will allow you to use them basically in any project, you can easily change the colors, apply vector and raster effects, use them as symbols, Map Art for 3D vectors.
Ai + EPS | 8 items | 4.08 Mb
Раздел: Клипарты » Векторные клипарты
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Designtnt - Modern Price Banners Set 2

Designtnt - Modern Price Banners Set 2
Designtnt - Modern Price Banners Set 2

Designtnt - Modern Price Banners Set 2
It’s a set of 18 modern price banners, editable with Adobe Photoshop. The source file is layered and organized into groups, you’ll be able to easily make adjustments and save them directly for web use. There’s also the complete list of fonts used, with links directly to the download source, you don’t have to manually dig through the .psd file to find the name of each font, then search on the internet.
PSD | 18 items | 1.46 Mb
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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Designtnt - Paint Strokes PS Brushes

Designtnt - Paint Strokes PS Brushes

Designtnt - Paint Strokes PS Brushes
It’s a set of 20 textured subtle dirt brushes for Adobe Photoshop. To use them, simply double-click the .ABR file provided and your brushes are ready to be used, right in the Brushes palette (F5). If you want to take them to the next level, you can also create dirty subtle patterns. We did it, and they’re available for download on this website.
ABR | 20 items | 38.87 Mb
Раздел: Photoshop » Кисти для Photoshop
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Designtnt - Subtle Patterns Set 9

Designtnt - Subtle Patterns Set 9

Designtnt - Subtle Patterns Set 9
It’s a set of 20 patterns for Adobe Photoshop and are so subtle, you’ll have to apply them to a large image to see how they really look. We also want to improve your workflow with them, so we’ve packed them into a single .PAT file, so you can start using them right away!
PAT | 20 items | 3.42 Mb
Раздел: Photoshop » Стили для Photoshop
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Designtnt - Clean Embossed Style Effect

Designtnt - Clean Embossed Style Effect

Designtnt - Clean Embossed Style Effect
It’s a simple set of graphic styles to complete a simple task: emboss any shape, text, raster or smart object. No fancy stuff, no complex, mind-blowing steps. We’ve also provided both a sample .psd with editable features and a .asl file for a quick load.
ASL + PSD | 4 items | 1 Mb
Раздел: Photoshop » Стили для Photoshop
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