

CodeCanyon - PHP Status Shooter FB Application Script v1.3 - (Update)


CodeCanyon - PHP Status Shooter FB Application Script v1.3 - (Update) | 2,22 MB

Status Shooter is a Facebook application with an extensive collection of status messages which can be customized and posted to your wall. You can also suggest a good status for your friend or add your own status to the collection. It is a simple to use application which intimates users or admin about the activities related to this application via a nice html formatted email.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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Designtnt - Login Forms

Designtnt - Login Forms

Designtnt - Login Forms
This set of 4 login forms! Use them in social sites, WordPress themes, applications and more. The colors are fully editable and the rollover buttons are clean and sharp, perfect for any website who wants a competitive quality.We are also aware you want to customize your work, so we’ve organized the .psd file into folders, you won’t spend hours selecting and merging the right layers.
PSD | 4 items | 1.12 Mb
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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