

Pixeden - Psd Business Card Mock-Up Vol10

Pixeden - Psd Business Card Mock-Up Vol10

Pixeden - Psd Business Card Mock-Up Vol10
This is volume 10 of our psd business card mock-up template. This vector scaled design at 300DPI will help you present your business card design with style through the use of a drag and drop smart layer.
PSD | 3 items | 41.11 Mb
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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Pixeden - Flat Design Icons Set Vol1

Pixeden - Flat Design Icons Set Vol1

Pixeden - Flat Design Icons Set Vol1
Our flat icons set is inspired by the new flat design UI trend led by google and others. The icons are minimalist with a few distinctive details to bring life to them. We provide those icons in their psd vector shape file.
PSD | 3 items | 238 Kb
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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Pixeden - Leather Logo Mock-Up Template

Pixeden - Leather Logo Mock-Up Template

Pixeden - Leather Logo Mock-Up Template
Create a realistic leather effect for your logo or text with subtle shadows and highlights. Use our smart layer to just drag and drop your design to apply the final effect. Watch the video tutorial for more details.
PSD | 4 items | 16.8 Mb
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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Pixeden - iPad Psd Landscape Calculator UI Kit

Pixeden - iPad Psd Landscape Calculator UI Kit

Pixeden - iPad Psd Landscape Calculator UI Kit
This is the landscape design for our iPad Psd Calculator. We included a scientific calculator design landscape view to complete our calculator app design series. The buttons style can easily be repurposed for any web app or other mobile OS.
PSD | 5 items | 5.81 Mb
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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