

Pixeden - 3D Wall Logo Mock-Up Template

Pixeden - 3D Wall Logo Mock-Up Template

Pixeden - 3D Wall Logo Mock-Up Template
An elegant way to showcase your identity design as a hanging wall 3D sign. We designed this mock up to use smart layers making it a breeze to use. We also included a custom stone wall background to make it shine.
PSD | 7 files | 12.7 Mb
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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Pixeden - Flat Psd Browsers Set

Pixeden - Flat Psd Browsers Set

Pixeden - Flat Psd Browsers Set
Completing our series of flat inspired container our flat psd browsers set is comprised of chrome, safari and firefox browser designs. Use the smart layer to easily drag and drop your screenshot on your browser of choice.
PSD | 5 files | 619 Kb
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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