

Joomline - JL Comments PRO 2.7 for Joomla 2.5 - 3.x

Joomline - JL Comments PRO 2.7 for Joomla 2.5 - 3.x

Joomline - JL Comments PRO 2.7 for Joomla 2.5 - 3.x | 709 KB

JL Comments PRO is a commercial version of 'JL comments' popular plugin. This time we want to go ahead and implement an option to integrate JL comments with other components. Now it integrates with the 5 most popular components: com_content, K2, ZOO, ADSmanager, VirtueMart 2.0, and JoomShopping 3.x.
In the past, hack workarounds were required to integrate social comments with them. Now you do not have to worry that component upgrade may render social comments or jcomments inoperable.
We tried to make plugin configuration procedure more easy and convenient, with an integration procedure being just one click away.
When you purchase the plugin you get an excellent solution for Joomla social comments which allows you to cover almost 90% of the web site audience making it possible for your visitors to communicate without any web site authenticaton required.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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Joomline - JL Cackle PRO 1.6 for Joomla 2.5 - 3.x

Joomline - JL Cackle PRO 1.6 for Joomla 2.5 - 3.x

Joomline - JL Cackle PRO 1.6 for Joomla 2.5 - 3.x | 185 KB

It is a commercial plugin made for your convenience, aggregates with com_content, JoomShopping, ADSmanager, K2, and VirtueMart into one click.
JL Cackle PRO plugin is an ideal solution for your web site if you plan to provide an option for the users to make comments with a help of just a social network account .
This plugin allows your users to log in with a social network account, will provide an option to make comments from various social networks with subsequent feed aggregation, and makes it possible to place a link to the article under comment in the user profile with a comment text which eventually may help bring other users to your web site.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - GoodShopping - RIP

ThemeForest - GoodShopping - RIP

ThemeForest - GoodShopping - RIP | 6,49 MB

GoodShopping is a universal theme for online shopping, as you see big online stores like Amazon, Ebay etc. I tried to redesign a template which would include great design and which would be very easily for the buyer to buy and the seller to sell. The great thing in this template is that it isn't having extra scripts and over animations, it's just like decent template for online shopping. This template comes in four different color schemes, suitable for your different subjects, like you've opened a departmental store, you can add things to it and sell it. Also We've made a special template for Electronic stores, for nowadays Smartphones, Gaming Stuff etc. In order to customize the colors, as we all know, the main file is main.css file or ui.css, written as you like. If you face any problems, feel free to contact me, I'm ready to help at any moment.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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Подборка изображений бутербродов (с сыром, салом, колбасой, икрой, маслом, рыбой, луком и арахисовым маслом)

Подборка изображений бутербродов (с сыром, салом, колбасой, икрой, маслом, рыбой, луком и арахисовым маслом)

Подборка изображений бутербродов (с сыром, салом, колбасой, икрой, маслом, рыбой, луком и арахисовым маслом)
76 jpg + png | 1163x1204 ~ 5385x3910 | 385 мб
Раздел: Клипарты » Растровые клипарты
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