
ThemeForest - Chocolate WP v3.1.1 - Responsive Photography Theme

ThemeForest - Chocolate WP v3.1.1 - Responsive Photography Theme

ThemeForest - Chocolate WP v3.1.1 - Responsive Photography Theme | 59,5 MB

If you need clean, light and minimalist theme, Chocolate WP is definitely... not your choice! :)
It is refined and elegant template with complex and precise combination of light gradients, shadows and rich functionality. It was created to serve you as unique showcase of your works with strong blogging component powered by Woo Tumblog (for Tumblr-like posts) and Express App (for simple posting from your iOS-device).
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CodeCanyon - Ninja Popups for WordPress v2.0

CodeCanyon - Ninja Popups for WordPress v2.0

CodeCanyon - Ninja Popups for WordPress v2.0 | 2,64 MB

Ninja Popups combines a professionally designed popups to convert visitors on your site/blog into taking an action whether its subscribing into your newsletter, offering a discount/coupon for leaving customers, or locking content until they share you will increase your subscriber count and social signal of your site/blog.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Magazon v2.2 - Advanced, Responsive WP Magazine Theme

ThemeForest - Magazon v2.2 - Advanced, Responsive WP Magazine Theme

ThemeForest - Magazon v2.2 - Advanced, Responsive WP Magazine Theme | 12,9 MB

Magazon is an Advanced - Responsive WordPress News or Magazine theme. It is ready to start working out of the box with a multitude of theme options, smart homepage builder, custom widgets, category styler to help you personalize your environment.
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CodeCanyon - Facebook Inviter and Content Locker v2.0.3 for WordPress

CodeCanyon - Facebook Inviter and Content Locker v2.0.3 for WordPress

CodeCanyon - Facebook Inviter and Content Locker v2.0.3 for WordPress | 1,05 MB

This plugin is a new version of our previous Inviter plugin and has been fully rewritten, featuring a new backend interface, and using the latest Facebook developments to invite friends and post a message on a friend wall.
This plugin enables you to integrate a Facebook Friends Inviter on any blog post or page. Your visitors will have the ability to define the message posted on their friends wall, but you can define as an admin the image and link that will be automatically attached to each message posted on your visitors friends wall.
This plugin also have a way to reward your visitors for inviting their friends, by unlocking a special content (that you can define from the default WP editor), and you can also define how many friends a visitor need to invite before being able to view your hidden content (that can be a coupon code, a secret code, a video, an image, or any content you wish).
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CodeCanyon - Ultimate Toppanel v1.0 - Wordpress Plugin

CodeCanyon - Ultimate Toppanel v1.0 - Wordpress Plugin

CodeCanyon - Ultimate Toppanel v1.0 - Wordpress Plugin | 3,50 MB

Ultimate Toppanel is the perfect plugin for wordpress. Extra space for your website. Choose custom animations, dimesions, icons, fonts, positions etc. . You can insert any sidebar widget in the toppanel. Add HTML Content, News, Menus, Archives, Contact Forms and so on. Demo Data included.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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CodeCanyon - Retina Press v1.0 - Wordpress admin theme

CodeCanyon - Retina Press v1.0 - Wordpress admin theme

CodeCanyon - Retina Press v1.0 - Wordpress admin theme | 983 KB

Retina Press - The brand new retina display custom theme designed for the Wordpress admin. This Wordpress admin theme now gives you the ability to offer your customer and clients a completely new and customised dashboard, setting you apart from the competition.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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