

IceTheme - IT Political 2 for Joomla 2.5 & 3.1

IceTheme - IT Political 2 for Joomla 2.5 & 3.1

IceTheme - IT Political 2 for Joomla 2.5 & 3.1 | 48,7 MB

User-friendly and intuitive, IT Political 2 Joomla Theme with its elegant layout it's your ultimate choice for your next awesome website
A friend of IceTheme, once said that if he just saw for a fraction of a second a website, he will identify immediately that it's built with an IceTheme template. And, he is right. Our Premium Joomla Themes are reorganized immediately by the simplicity and beauty that categorizes them.
We are pleased to announce our August Joomla Theme, IT Political 2, and as all our Premium Joomla Themes it features an elegant layout, and with colors blending perfectly with each other.(Checkout the black variation. It's awesome. Right?)
For this Premium Theme we have modified the IceSlideShow module which is enhanced to show a large area for news. Also, on the homepage you will find the IceFilter module, the modified and enhanced IceCarousel, and the ability to show your Facebook Like Box and Twitter feeds. We know your website should be social.
Of course, this Premium Theme is fully responsive and it will amaze your website visitors browsing from a mobile phone or tablet. In case you are looking for a simple solution to finish your next website, look no further. IT Political 2 will make your life easy!
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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CodeCanyon - MapIt v2.1 - Maps Made Your Way

CodeCanyon - MapIt v2.1 - Maps Made Your Way

CodeCanyon - MapIt v2.1 - Maps Made Your Way | 444 KB

MapIt is a jQuery enabled plug-in that interacts with Google Maps API . The plug-in is designed to make navigating and finding key coordinates anywhere in the world a simple process. Completely driven by XML over AJAX , this plug-in helps you group and organize all your location links.
The easy to edit XML configuration file allows you to create groupings of your coordinates and display them in a hierarchical format. Clicking on the link coordinate will automatically find the point of interest on the Google Map. No need to learn the Google API , we have abstracted all the hard work for you.
With plenty of examples included you can hit the ground running very quickly and have a map that is customized for whatever situation you need. MapIt is clean, sleek, powerful and very easy for you and all your customers to use. With version 2.0 we have integrated 10 of the most requested feature items!
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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CodeCanyon - SimpleAuth : Very Simple Secure Login System v4.1

CodeCanyon - SimpleAuth : Very Simple Secure Login System v4.1 | 751 KB

SimpleAuth is a simple and secure multi-user PHP login system. No database required. No php knowledge needed to implement this login system.
You can secure all kind of pages : customer area, administration interface, member page or any private page.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Central v1.3.1 - Versatile, Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

ThemeForest - Central v1.3.1 - Versatile, Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

ThemeForest - Central v1.3.1 - Versatile, Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme | 4,13 MB

CENTRAL is a highly versatile multi-purpose WordPress theme. Choose between 4 fluid AJAX animations, create unlimited Parallax pages, take advantage of awesome Revolution Slider. Build you web site using our highly intuitive and friendly to use framework.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Esmi - A Responsive One Page Portfolio Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Esmi - A Responsive One Page Portfolio Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Esmi - A Responsive One Page Portfolio Template - RIP | 3,41 MB

Esmi - A Responsive One Page Portfolio Theme is a Responsive HTML5 / CSS3 clean, simple and Professional template. Built using Zurb Foundation 4. Easy to customize the color, fonts etc. This theme will be useful for photgraphers, artists, digital studios, freelancer or any kind of business that would like to showcase their portfolio.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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Designtnt - Complete Set of Mock-up Templates

Designtnt - Complete Set of Mock-up Templates

Designtnt - Complete Set of Mock-up Templates
It’s a set of 12 mock-up sets usable with Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended or newer. The 3D effect is built using 2D shapes with perspective grids created with “Vanishing Point”, to make sure the image will be as accurate as possible.
PSD | 12 items | 1.89 Gb
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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