

ThemeForest - MYCARD - Responsive Resume / CV HTML5 Template - RIP

ThemeForest - MYCARD - Responsive Resume / CV HTML5 Template - RIP

ThemeForest - MYCARD - Responsive Resume / CV HTML5 Template - RIP | 1,52 MB

MyCard is fully responsive Resume / CV Template for personal Website. It has cool page transition effects. Its is built using Bootstrap. It is a cool way to showcase your skill, portfolio, talent, blog, etc. It has a built in working ajax contact form. It scales properly on all the handheld devices.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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CodeCanyon - JQuery Thumbnail Gallery With LightBox v1.2

CodeCanyon - JQuery Thumbnail Gallery With LightBox v1.2

CodeCanyon - JQuery Thumbnail Gallery With LightBox v1.2 | 8,86 MB

Comes in two layout types (grid and line, vertical and horizontal), with scroll (jScrollPane) or button navigation. Thumbnail boxes support any HTML element inside them.
All demo examples included in the download package for easy setup.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Mazaya Responsive Joomla News, Multipurpose Theme

ThemeForest - Mazaya Responsive Joomla News, Multipurpose Theme

ThemeForest - Mazaya Responsive Joomla News, Multipurpose Theme | 130 MB

Mazaya is a powerful responsive and multipurpose Joomla templates for your news or magazine, blog website, it is designed in a clean and minimalistic style and packed with all the features you need to present yourself with style and professionalism.
Mazaya is built on Warp framework, which gives the theme an immeasurable weight of flexibility and agility, fast loading - using built in compression of files, data URIs and gzip minification.With all the styling options provided you can easily customize the appearance of the theme and build you own custom skin.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Town - Onepage Retina Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Town - Onepage Retina Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Town - Onepage Retina Template - RIP | 5,96 MB

Town is a clean and modern onepage template that is perfect for agencies, studios or for promoto your work. Everything in Town was made to give the best user-experience possible.
Town comes with 5 style of home variation including video background. It has a fully responsive structure built with Bootstrap and it is retina ready, so it looks stunning on all types of screens and devices.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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