

CodeCanyon - Live Audio Announcer v1.0

CodeCanyon - Live Audio Announcer v1.0

CodeCanyon - Live Audio Announcer v1.0 | 324 KB

this is a php system that allows u to broadcast audio files (Only .Mp3) to all the users opening the websites, and it works in realtime such that if a user is already on the page he will hear the announcement without having to reload the page. U can also set the announcement to be played for users who will open the website later.
the item comes with an admin panel, which you will use to play/stop an announcement file.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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CodeCanyon - SMS Verification & Marketing App v1.0

CodeCanyon - SMS Verification & Marketing App v1.0

CodeCanyon - SMS Verification & Marketing App v1.0 | 476 KB

This app enables you to verify your visitors phone numbers, and make sure it's a valid phone number. The verification is done by sending an SMS message, containing a unique code. The users can use that unique code to verify their number, and to access your locked content.
So this app can also be used as a content locked, where you can reward the users who have verified their phone number with s special content, only accessible to them!
From the secured backend interface, you can of course view all your visitors phone numbers, but you can also send an SMS message to the selected users. That also enables you to view and filter through the phones numbers that have been verified, and to access the history of all the messages sent through the app.
This app is the ultimate app for verifying your users phone number and for your SMS marketing campaigns! It's based on the Twilio API, and sending one SMS starts as low as 1 cent per message.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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CodeCanyon - Automatic Text Rewriter v1.1

CodeCanyon - Automatic Text Rewriter v1.1

CodeCanyon - Automatic Text Rewriter v1.1 | 4,25 MB

Automatic Text Rewriter is a lightweight, but powerful, synonym finding script. You input a sentence and it will replace all the words in the sentence with synonyms. It comes complete with a database of over 100,000 words and a pre-built synonym-finding website ready to use. For more PHP savvy users, you can use a simple function to find dozens of synonyms for a word or sentence.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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Секреты создания эффектных презентаций (2013)

Секреты создания эффектных презентаций (2013)
Если любите фотографировать и за все врeмя у Вас скoпилось большoе чиcло фотогpaфий, которые занимают дюже мнoго местa? Данный видеокуpc поможет Вам освободить место от фoтогрaфий, cобрaв их в oдну прeзентaцию.Дaнный видeoкyрс прeдyготовлен для тeх, кто хочет обучитьcя сoздaвать высoкопрофессиoнaльныe слайдшоу и презeнтации в программе Proshow Producer.
Раздел: Видео Уроки
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