

100 Cloth Hand Drawn Doodle Icons - Creativemarket 160688

100 Cloth Hand Drawn Doodle Icons - Creativemarket 160688

100 Cloth Hand Drawn Doodle Icons - Creativemarket 160688
Here is a collection of cloth hand drawn doodle icons which is best for children, men and women. It comes with beautifully hand drawn icons for various fashion products of daily life. Get everything you need related to clothing and fashion like t-shirts, pants, jeans, shorts, shirts, petticoat, coat, skirts, underwear, trousers, casual dressing, upper and other clothing. These hand drawn doodle icons are simple, decent and useful for designing various branding and advertising items for clothing lines.
AI, EPS, PDF, CSH, PNG, PSD, SVG | 48 x 48 px | Layered | 8.19 Mb
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