

Saint Patrick's Day Bundle 2 - Creativemarket 202776

Saint Patrick's Day Bundle 2 - Creativemarket 202776

Saint Patrick's Day Bundle 2 - Creativemarket 202776
PSD | 7 Flyers | Adobe CS4+ | Layered | 171 Mb

The SAINT PATRICK'S DAY BUNDLE 2 is a premium bundle pack of 7 Photoshop PSD SAINT PATRICK'S DAY themed Flyer Templates for clubs, bars, DJs, etc. The Saint Patrick's Day Bundle 2 is a premium package of fully editable Photoshop PSD flyer templates. Once you have downloaded this template, using Adobe Photoshop CS4+ you can make use of this flyer design an unlimited number of times 100% royalty free. You are free to customise this design however you wish and use in both personal and commercial projects without ever crediting FlyerHeroes. Please check you have the correct fonts required for each flyer template.
Раздел: Photoshop » PSD исходники
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Saint Patrick's Day Bundle 1 - Creativemarket 202749

Saint Patrick's Day Bundle 1 - Creativemarket 202749

Saint Patrick's Day Bundle 1 - Creativemarket 202749
PSD | 7 Flyers | Adobe CS4+ | Layered | 278 Mb

The SAINT PATRICK'S DAY BUNDLE 1 is a premium bundle pack of 7 Photoshop PSD SAINT PATRICK'S DAY themed Flyer Templates for clubs, bars, DJs, etc. The Saint Patrick's Day Bundle 1 is a premium package of fully editable Photoshop PSD flyer templates. Once you have downloaded this template, using Adobe Photoshop CS4+ you can make use of this flyer design an unlimited number of times 100% royalty free. You are free to customise this design however you wish and use in both personal and commercial projects without ever crediting FlyerHeroes. Please check you have the correct fonts required for each flyer template.
Раздел: Photoshop » PSD исходники
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Ready Made Brochure for Companies - Creativemarket 182080

Ready Made Brochure for Companies - Creativemarket 182080

Ready Made Brochure for Companies - Creativemarket 182080
INDD | 8.5 x 11 in | 9 Mb

It's a well-documented and thoughtful brochure for Multinational Organizations and Companies. We have included all the required heading and data sheets which are necessary to display company's growth and stability. You can have this brochure in A4 and US letter size. We have incorporated organized layers in page by page order for easy edit and image replacement. We have kept it minimum size and as simple as possible for developing quick and
effective brochure.
Раздел: Photoshop » PSD исходники
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Call-To-Action Buttons Vol.II - Graphicriver 4780787

Call-To-Action Buttons Vol.II - Graphicriver 4780787

Call-To-Action Buttons Vol.II - Graphicriver 4780787
PSD, ASL | Adobe CS2+ | Layered | 17 Mb

Features: All elements are vector shapes and fully editable. All layers are organized in groups. Used fonts:Geared slab, Notica Text, 20-db, Chunkfive, Bebas,Bebas neue, Bitter, Lobster 1.3, Courgette, Bender, Open sans, Bree serif, Lobster Two, Gabriola, Josefin slab, Georgia.
Раздел: Photoshop » PSD исходники
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CodeGrape - InQ - A Responsive Bootstrap 3 Admin Template

CodeGrape - InQ - A Responsive Bootstrap 3 Admin Template

CodeGrape - InQ - A Responsive Bootstrap 3 Admin Template

InQ is fully responsive admin template Built on Bootstrap 3 with flat design concept it contains the tools you need to make your next web app project a success. It can be used for all type of application backend, CMS or CRM and is not limited for E-commerce backend. InQ comes with a huge collection of reusable UI components and with countless handpicked, optimized and latest jQuery plugins.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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