

WeGraphics - jQuery Smooth Slide Out Menu

WeGraphics - jQuery Smooth Slide Out Menu

WeGraphics - jQuery Smooth Slide Out Menu | 117 Kb
This free resource includes everything you need to launch your own fixed position smooth slide out menu navigation. The download includes html, css and javascript code. The icon images used in the demo are also included. These icons are from the Aluminum Vector Icons set.
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JoomlaXTC - M-Label E-Shopping template Joomla 2.5 & 3.0

JoomlaXTC - M-Label E-Shopping template Joomla 2.5 & 3.0

JoomlaXTC - M-Label E-Shopping template Joomla 2.5 & 3.0 | 102 MB

Ready to start your own online record label or MP3 Download Shop? Already a label owner? Looking to give your website that multimillion dollar look? M-Label is here! Powered by Joomla and the Hikashop E-commerce component, M-Label is full music based E-Commerce website with all the features to get you online and selling products in minutes!
Responsive in nature, M-Label scales to pixel perfect widths to enhance viewing on Large Format Monitors, Tablets, and Phones. M-Label's custom HikaShop theme includes the SoundManager HTML5 and JS MP3 Player for perfect playback on all mobile devices.
The core Joomla template features (70+) module positions; (35+) module style variations, (4) preset styles, rich typography options, CSS3 progressive enhancements, Bootstrapped and Responsive Design and so much more. The Quickstart package even comes with some of JoomlaXTC's most popular extensions—like Deluxe NewsPro Module and our Html Pro Module. In addition we have pre packaged K2 and the Free editions of HikaShop and Acymailing with custom styles for the template.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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Video Ads Script


Video Ads Script | 2,97 MB
This is a framework for serving video ads
Developed by LongTail Ad Solutions, creators of JW Player, the framework is focused on serving ads for Flash videos. The framework is available for the Flowplayer, JW Player, AS3 and jQuery (for HTML5).
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ThemeForest - OGUN - Unique & Creative Responsive HTML5 Theme

ThemeForest - OGUN - Unique & Creative Responsive HTML5 Theme

ThemeForest - OGUN - Unique & Creative Responsive HTML5 Theme | 5,97 MB
Ogun is completely responsive built with Bootstrap 2.3.0. and works perfectly across any devices including iPad, iPhone, iPad Mini, Android and Windows Mobile.
This one-page theme is very easy to use and customize, moreover we have included a very high quality PDF user-guide within the pack.
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ThemeForest - Prambose - Under Construction HTML Template

ThemeForest - Prambose - Under Construction HTML Template

ThemeForest - Prambose - Under Construction HTML Template | 0,98 MB
Prambose a template with responsive display. This template can be used for your website which is in floating or are under repair. This template has variations of background slideshow and use a php file to handle the subscriber your customers to find information when it louncing your site.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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