Красивые бизнес карточки в стиле портфолио - GraphicRiver
This is a beautiful Business Card created to help you show off in style. Show off your work fast with only the help of the business card.
The package contains:
6 PSD files for each design and shape.
JPG images with all color previews.
TIP : You can add your own color for these business cards simply by changing the color setting of the Color layer inside the Blending Options Menu. Double click the layers thumbnail to enter Blending Options and add your own color in the Color Overlay setting.
To add your own thumbnails just import your desired thumbnails in the PSD document and place them in the desired position. Do not worry if you have created the thumbnail too big as you can hide it behind the created mask. Just hove the mouse between the mask and thumbnail layer and hold down the Alt/Option key, you will notice the cursor will change. Just click and your thumbnail will hide behind the mask. Repeat the step for all the images you want to add.
The sizes are:
Font used:
Arial and Myriad Pro http://new.myfonts.com/fonts/linotype/myriad/