

Breath Flyer/Poster Template

Breath Flyer/Poster Template

Breath Flyer Template

The above photos are not included in the download, they are purchased stock images, contact me if you would like info on them.
The PSD file is setup at 1275px x 1875px (4?6” with .25” bleeds) CMYK 300DPI
The PSD file is very well organised, with color coded groups and layers named appropriately.
The main folders that will require most customisation are highlighted in different colors.
The fonts used in the design are:
Droid Sans: which can be downloaded here –
GeosansLight : which can be downloaded here –
HelbaInseratDB: which can be downloaded here –
The standard font “IMPACT” is also used.
This template is fun and easy to edit.
178 MB
Раздел: Photoshop » PSD исходники
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