[img]https___cod_canyon.n_t_it_m_ss_woocomm_rc__a_ax_filt_rs_14512191.jpg</div><div class="uploadimage"><a class="uploadfile" href="http://319551.iwzbx.asia/uploads/posts/2018-05/1527622846_7531.cod_canyon___woocomm_rc__a_ax_product_filt_rs_v1.6.0___14512191https___cod_canyon.n_t_it_m_ss_woocomm_rc__a_ax_filt_rs_14512191.jpg[/img]
CodeCanyon - WooCommerce Ajax Product Filters v1.6.0 - 14512191https://codecanyon.net/item/ss-woocommerce-ajax-filters/14512191
WooCommerce Ajax Plugin lets you filter products based on multiple attributes, price range, publish date, popularity, average rating, stock status, etc., all in one ajax call. i.e. users can choose multiple filters at once and hit the “Apply” button to get desired result. No multiple queries are sent for each attribute or filter parameter. Optionally, you can choose to show ajax results per click if you do not like the “Apply” button feature.